Here are some open-source projects to which I contributed:

  • ProxSuite ProxSuite is a header only open-source C++ library that integrates the ProxQP quadratic programming solver and the QPLayer differentiable layer, which I developed during my PhD. It is available on conda and pip, and is included in CVXPY. My main contributions involved designing and implementing both solvers as part of my doctoral research. The library integrates python and julia bindings, and can be used with pytorch.
  • Aligator I contributed to the algorithmic design of Aligator, a flexible, open-source library for real-time robotics trajectory optimization. Aligator supports motion generation, planning, optimal estimation, and deploying model-predictive control for complex systems.
  • Proxsuite-nlp Proxsuite-nlp extends the ProxQP algorithm to nonlinear optimization on manifolds, serving as a key component of the Aligator solver. I had the opportunity to contribute to its development as well.